30 Apr 2012

How To Remove Asbestos Tiles

How To Remove Asbestos Tiles

Asbestos Removal Can Be Extremely Dangerous - If In Doubt You Should Seek Advice From A Licensed Asbestos Removal Company.

Until the 1970s, many floors had an element of asbestos in them, mainly due to the fact asbestos adds strength at a low cost. As you probably already know asbestos causes problems for lungs and breathing and so is now not allowed to be added to building materials.

However, there are still a number of areas of homes built in the past, which are full of asbestos. Asbestos tiles are still quite common, though removing them is also quite simple procedure. The biggest element is safety, aside from that it's a simple procedure.


Wear safety gear when dealing with asbestos. This should include goggles, gloves and a respirator, as well as clothing to cover the whole of your body and ensure that none of the dust can escape onto you.


You will need a utility knife, putty, amended water, plastic sheeting, bags for disposal and duct tape. Make sure these are all located together and so you don't have to leave the room and chance spreading asbestos elsewhere in the home.

Turn off all air conditioning, or anything that may spread asbestos elsewhere, such as fans. Remove all moveable objects from the room and then cover up windows and doors and vents. Seal all of these areas and outlets up with polythene and tape.

Removing the tiles

Wet the floor with the amended water as this helps soften the seal between the tile and the bonding agent. This is known as wet stripping and is the best way of removing asbestos. This is because the water will keep the asbestos fibres stuck to the tiles and prevent them getting into the air.

Use a hammer and putty knife to remove the asbestos, starting at the edge and working your way in. Never, drill or saw as this will mean asbestos fibres enter the air. To remove with the putty knife. Slip it under the tile and dislodge it with a little pressure. Do this for all the tiles in large, whole pieces to prevent dust getting into the air. When finished clean the area with a damp cloth and ensure none of the asbestos enters the air.


Of course, asbestos has to be disposed of carefully. Place the waste into boxes and seal them up. If there is any smaller pieces of debris, gather them up and place them inside plastic bags, double bag them and then seal them up. These will have to be brought to a landfill to be disposed of in a special manner. Just leaving them out with the rubbish at the side of your home is not an option.

When this is done, now you must wash off all your equipment and make sure there is no asbestos left anywhere on them, as this can cause problems in the future. Finally, clean yourself off with a shower.

In some countries it is illegal to remove asbestos without a relevant course in the field. Of course, if you feel it's all too much, professional help is also a way to deal with such a procedure.

Getting Quotes For Asbestos Removal

If you decide that you need to use the services of professional asbestos removal companies, you are welcome to use Top Tradespeople's free service to compare several quotes from asbestos surveyors and asbestos removal services.
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